
...two people
c0me to share, to be there

f0r each other no matter
when or where

...and through life's endless changes the slow 0nes
n the swift,

the friend that
you can count on

is a blessing N a gift

Sunday, August 8, 2010


t0day duty h0r~ i saw my 0ooo00000ld friend~ but he alrd sitting for test lar..... TT
cannOt say : jia y0u with him~
and he same age wif me~ and he wear chang ku~
seni0000000rrrrR??? ><

yi[2] huo[4] lehhhHH...

erM~ i'm busying~
i hope i can be very busy in my akdemik lar~
in my study!!!!!!!!!!!!

g00d luck X)