
...two people
c0me to share, to be there

f0r each other no matter
when or where

...and through life's endless changes the slow 0nes
n the swift,

the friend that
you can count on

is a blessing N a gift

Saturday, November 6, 2010

t0day very haPpy,
with Sze Onn Lim, Zhi YI Riz, Ryan Cheah

t0gether go 0ut

hey panda, wish u all the Best la X)

next time stii g0t chance~

then we can g0 0ut together oooo~

zhiyi, go h0me with me =]

it's fun

ryan, the lollipop, thank y0u^^
it is sour

it's very excited~
and it is a niCe mem0ry o0ooo0o0oOO

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥